Dynamic Solutions For New And Old Innovations,

Circle Of DATA


Who we are? We're group of six people who are going throw vast areas of information and communication studies. Some of us will be specialiced in cyber security, some data-analytics and some app development.

What now? Now we are inspecting a new course in our studies called 'Future Factory'. What we are about to find out on this course is the main fundamentals of working real life project with real team members.


Tukko - Traffic Visualizer

We are working on an assignment called Tukko-Traffic Visualizer and the main customer of ours is Combitech Oy. IoTiude was the original founder of this web app and now their team leader and Combitech wants us (DataDynamo) to modify and update this traffic app to new level.

Main new features for the end users are different LAM stations comparison tool, able to create personal account and be able to save favorite LAM stations to users account. User will be able to search certain traffic data from certain time period.

Other features are more likely pointed to developers and maintainers of this application.


Dark mode improvment

Export history data from specific dates

monitoring and alerting systems



Joonas Kuokkanen
Team Leader
- My name is Joonas Kuokkanen and Im studying at Jamk University Of Applied Sciences to be future ICT-Engineer. My goals are to be data-analysis expert around Artificial intelligence and cyber security. On this project, Im responsible for team leading
Feel free to connect on me in LinkedIn! You can find it by clicking my picture


Arto Nieminen
- Hi! My name is Arto Nieminen, future ICT-Engineer graduating from Jamk University Of Applied Sciences. In future, Im interested to work on computer networks and cyber security. On this project, Im responsible for projects security


Honar Abdi
- I am Honar Abdi, a second-year student at JAMK University of Applied Sciences, studying in the School of Information and Communication Technology. I work as a tester in this project, and my responsibilities include testing

picture of hanna

Hanna Rantakokko
- My name is Hanna Rantakokko and I'm a second year Information and Communication Technology student at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. In this project, my role is to manage our cloud-based infrastructure and handle other operational tasks. I plan to focus on software development during my studies
Feel free to connect on me in LinkedIn! You can find it by clicking my picture


Santtu Lähderinne
- My name is Santtu Lähderinne, and I'm a second-year ICT student at JAMK. I'm working as a developer in this project and hope to work in the software development field in the future.


Teemu Lappi
- I'm a third year ICT student at JAMK. In my studies I have focused on software development, which has led me to working as a developer in this project. For the future, I'm open-mindedly looking at different sectors of the software development field, hoping to find my place there one day



- 22.03 We have sprint 4 review day and we are getting ready to present short PowerPoint presentation for project stakeholders.
- NEW modifications to Tukko: FEA203 - Export history data from specific dates


- We are preparing to present our progress on DEMO-DAY 15.04.2024 - Final reports are being written for course ending