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Short guide on how to run tukko on your own virtual machine.

Please note that this guide may not be complete. Some details might have been overlooked as I no longer remember every step. However, it should serve as a solid foundation for getting started.

  1. Start by cloning the necessary repositories. In this case you must clone traffic-visualizer and traffic-visualizer-backend to your virtual machine.

  2. Update package lists with sudo apt-get update

  3. Install ca-certificates and curl with sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl

  4. Now you can install Docker. You can look up installation instructions from Dockers official documentation.

  5. Install Node.js (and npm). You can use these: curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash – sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

  6. Verify Node.js and npm installation. node -v npm -v

  7. After you have done these go in traffic-visualizer and traffic-visualizer-backend directories and install npm packages with npm install

  8. Start backend with Docker Compose docker compose up -d

  9. Run the frontend with npm run prod

Remember to change the IP address in .env and .env.example!

Additional instructions:

Setting up instance on CSC cPouta service V1

Tukkos GitHub with instructions