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Document Offer
Author: Joonas Kuokkanen
Version: 1.0
Date: 22.2.2024

Recipient of the offer: Combitech Oy.

Referring to your request for offer request 22.1.2024, we offer you the following service product:

1. Object of the tender and procurement situation

Nowadays Tukko Traffic Visualizer is running and it's showing basic data about traffic all around Finland. But we have found ways to improve it, so users get more out of it. In this offer, we propose new features that gives users more access to the application and to give developers some new tools for futute implementations. These are the new features we are hoping to add:

  • Feature FEA101, to improve comparison between two LAM stations.
  • Feature FEA102, to give users an access to create their own personal account.
  • Feature FEA103, to make available for users to save their favorite LAM stations in their account.
  • Feature FEA203, to give users an access to search old tarffic data from certain time period.
  • Feature FEA410, to improve web app's security and protect data from unauthorized access
  • Feature FEA507, to allow platform engineer to configure and manage a cloud-based infrastructure.
  • Feature FEA508, to enhance monitoring and alerting capabilities
  • Feature FEA516, to provide the product owner with comprehensive documentation of the manual testing process for the application.
  • Feature FEA517, to give stakeholders maintainable documentation

A more detailed description can be found in requirements specification

2. Objectives, requirements and proposed solutions

These two primary features are designed with figma to show objective goal of their working:

FEA102 - Account creation

FEA103 - Saving LAM stations

3. Delivery and release plan

Phasing and timetable:


  • E1 Signing of the project agreement on 23.2.2024
  • E2 Final testing plan made on 4.4.2024
  • E3 DEMO-DAY 12.4.2024
  • E4 Commissioning on 26.4.2024

  • Preliminary test plan Master test plan

4. Prices and charges

Total price € 126,218.84 (incl. VAT 24% and profit 15%), according to the following schedule

payment point € due date X

  • E1 Signing of the Agreement 26,218.84 on February 23.2024
  • E2 Final testing plan 15,000.00 on April 4.2024
  • E3 Approval testing 15,000.00 on April 19.2024
  • E4 Commissioning 70,000.00 on April 26.2024
  • Payment due date 7 days from the stage

Division of labor:

  • Project management 2.89%
  • Server administration 3.66%
  • Familiarization 12.67%
  • Planning 7.87%
  • Implementation 18.38%
  • Documentation 14.05%
  • Testing 9.19%
  • Meetings 23.90%
  • Other 7.33%

5. Supplier Introduction

  • Project group DataDynamo: Site
  • for more information, contact Joonas Kuokkanen,

6. Other things to consider

  • Limitations of the “hair coat model” offered:
  • in Finnish
  • limited to JAMK's ICT student courses
  • user numbers limited to JAMK's ICT students
  • contacts are requested primarily by Slack messages, secondarily by email
  • the offer is valid until 4.3.2024



Joonas Kuokkanen Project manager