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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Honar Abdi
Version: 0.1
Date: 05.02.2024

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated.

General information

This comprehensive test plan delineates the testing strategy, objectives, and timeline for the Tukko project. The testing endeavors will be carried out by TESTribe, leveraging GitLab and the Open Project Framework for documenting tests. To ensure thorough testing coverage we will test results by manual/exploratory testing methods.

Test planning

Test planning is a critical phase in software development where the scope, objectives, and strategies for system testing are defined. It involves identifying test features, outlining testing environments, allocating resources, and assigning responsibilities to ensure a systematic and comprehensive approach to validating the functionality and performance of the software.

Test target and systems under test

The test target is the Tukko project, which aims to deliver a robust and reliable system. The system under test includes various features and functionalities that need to be thoroughly tested to ensure their proper functioning.

Goals and primary needs

The key objectives of the testing process include validating the system's functionality, performance, security, and availability. Testing activities strive to uncover and rectify defects, usability concerns, and performance bottlenecks. Moreover, the testing process is designed to ascertain adherence to specified requirements and meet user expectations.


The testing process will be synchronized with the release plan for the Tukko v1.01 project.

Test Case Template


Author: [Author's Name]

Date of Creation: [Date]

Class: [Functional/Non-functional/Acceptance]

Type: [Compliance/Correction/Evolution/Regression/Integration/End-to-end/Accessibility/Performance/Security/Backend]

Test Description/Objective: [Brief description of the test case purpose]

Links to Requirements: [References to feature requirement, use case, and associated feature]

Test Pre-state: [Preconditions or setup required before executing the test]

Test Steps:

Step Action Expected Result
1 [Action 1] [Expected Result 1]
2 [Action 2] [Expected Result 2]
3 [Action 3] [Expected Result 3]
... ... ...

Considerations During Test: [Any additional information or considerations]

PASS/FAIL Criteria: [Criteria for determining test case success or failure]

Benefits of Using This Test Case Documentation:

  • Consistent Format: Ensures a uniform and easy-to-follow structure.

  • Traceability: Links provide traceability to requirements and functionality.

  • Comprehensive Test Coverage: Encourages thorough testing through structured format.

  • Facilitates Collaboration: Promotes clear understanding of test case purpose.

  • Reusable Template: Ensures consistency across documentation.

  • Pass/Fail Criteria: Enables accurate evaluation and reporting.

  • Improves Efficiency and Quality: Enhances efficiency, effectiveness, and overall testing quality.

Test Results Template

1. Test Report Details:

  • Iteration Number: [Iteration Number]
  • Date of Test Report: [Date]
  • Feature Tested: [Specify the feature]

2. Test Objectives:

  • [List of objectives or goals for each type of test]

3. Test Execution Details:

  • Tests Executed:
  • [List the names of specific tests or test suites]
  • Location/Source:
  • [Specify the location or source of the tests]

Test Cases:

Test Case Description Status Notes
TCXXX-001 [Purpose of Test Case 1] Passed/Failed [Additional Comments]
TCXXX-002 [Purpose of Test Case 2] Passed/Failed [Additional Comments]
TCXXX-003 [Purpose of Test Case 3] Passed/Failed [Additional Comments]
... ... ... ...


  • Total Test Cases: [Total Number]
  • Passed: [Number of Passed Test Cases]
  • Failed: [Number of Failed Test Cases]
  • Pending: [Number of Pending Test Cases]
  • Success Rate: [Calculate the success rate as a percentage]

Observations and Notes:

  • Provide general observations, issues, or notes related to the testing iteration.
  • Include any relevant information or comments that may be helpful for further analysis.

General Observations: - [Observation 1] - [Observation 2] - ...

Issues Identified: 1. [Issue description and details] 2. [Issue description and details] ...

Additional Notes: - [Any relevant information or comments] - [Any additional considerations]


  • Suggest any recommendations for improvements or additional testing, if applicable.
  • Highlight areas where further attention or investigation may be required.

Recommendations for Improvements: 1. [Recommendation 1] 2. [Recommendation 2] ...

Areas for Additional Testing: - [Specify areas that may require additional testing] - [Highlight specific scenarios or functionalities]

Further Attention Needed: - [Identify areas where further investigation or analysis is recommended]

Next Steps:

  • Outline the next steps or actions to be taken in the upcoming testing iteration.
  • Specify any specific tasks or areas that need to be addressed or focused on.

Tasks for the Next Iteration: 1. [Task 1 description] 2. [Task 2 description] ...

Areas to Address: - [Specify areas that require attention or improvement] - [Highlight specific functionalities or features for further testing]

Focus Areas: - [Identify specific aspects that need focused testing] - [Highlight any critical or high-priority areas]


Testing Approach:

  • The testing approach primarily involves manual testing techniques to ensure thorough evaluation.

Types of Testing:

  1. Manual Testing: - All testing activities will be performed manually without the use of automated scripts. - Emphasis will be placed on human observation, intuition, and exploratory methods.

  2. Exploratory Testing: - A significant portion of testing will involve exploratory testing techniques. - Testers will actively explore the application to discover defects and gain a better understanding of its behavior.

Test Execution Process:

  • Manual test cases will be executed by experienced testers.
  • Exploratory testing will be conducted to identify unforeseen issues and provide valuable insights.

Test Reporting:

  • Testers will document findings, observations, and issues during manual testing.
  • Reports will be generated to communicate test results, observations, and any potential improvements.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Continuous feedback and insights from exploratory testing will be used to refine the testing strategy.
  • Processes will be improved iteratively based on lessons learned during testing.

Item Pass/Fail Criteria

1. Manual Testing:

  • Pass Criteria:
    • Successful execution of all manual test cases.
    • No critical defects affecting the core functionalities.
  • Fail Criteria:
    • Identification of critical defects impacting core functionalities.
    • Inability to execute manual test cases successfully.

2. Exploratory Testing:

  • Pass Criteria:
    • Discovery of valuable insights and potential improvements.
    • No critical issues affecting the user experience.
  • Fail Criteria:
    • Identification of critical defects impacting the user experience.
    • Lack of valuable insights gained from exploratory testing.

3. Overall Pass Criteria:

  • The software item is considered to have passed if it meets the pass criteria for both manual and exploratory testing.
  • The software item is considered to have failed if critical issues persist through manual and exploratory testing.

Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

1. Suspension Criteria:

  • Critical defects identified
  • Unavailability of essential resources
  • Major software changes
  • Other critical issues

2. Resumption Requirements:

  • Address and verify critical defects
  • Ensure essential resources are stable
  • Brief the testing team on software changes
  • Resolve other critical issues

3. Communication Protocol:

  • Use [specify channels]
  • Notify stakeholders promptly

4. Documentation:

  • Document suspension reasons and resumption plans
  • Store in a central accessible location

5. Review and Approval:

  • Involve stakeholders in a review before resuming

6. Continuous Monitoring:

  • Monitor testing environment and critical factors
  • Establish regular checkpoints

Test Deliverables


  1. Test Plan
  2. Test Cases
  3. Test Results Documentation
  4. Testing Progress Reports
  5. Defect Reports


  1. Testing Tools
  2. Test Data Generation Tools

Other Components:

  1. Test Environment Setup
  2. Traceability Matrix
  3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan
  4. Suspended/Resumed Activities Log
  5. Continuous Improvement Recommendations
  6. Test Closure Report

Testing Tasks

  1. Test Planning & Execution: - Develop the test plan. - Execute test cases and perform exploratory testing.

  2. Defect Reporting: - Document and report defects.

  3. Progress Monitoring & Communication: - Regularly update and monitor testing progress. - Maintain clear team communication.

  4. Documentation & Continuous Improvement: - Keep comprehensive test documentation. - Gather insights for improvements.

  5. Suspended/Resumed Activities: - Document reasons and manage resumption.

  6. Closure & Review:

    • Summarize the testing effort.
    • Conduct reviews and gather feedback.

Environmental Needs

  1. Hardware & Software: - Ensure availability and compatibility.

  2. Test Environment: - Set up a stable, representative environment.

  3. Network & Security: - Confirm stable network and implement necessary security measures.

  4. Data & Databases: - Provide access to relevant databases.

  5. Collaboration Tools: - Set up communication tools for the team.

  6. Testing Tools & Licenses: - Install and license required testing tools.

  7. Documentation Repository: - Establish a central repository for test documentation.

  8. Continuous Monitoring Tools: - Implement tools for environment and performance monitoring.


1. Test Manager:

  • Develop strategy and plan.
  • Oversee execution and progress.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders.
  • Review and approve deliverables.

2. Test Lead/Coordinator:

  • Assist in planning and execution.
  • Coordinate team activities.
  • Monitor progress.

3. Testers (Manual and Exploratory):

  • Execute test cases.
  • Document results and defects.
  • Collaborate for improvement.

4. Defect Analyst:

  • Analyze and prioritize defects.
  • Collaborate for resolution.

5. Documentation Specialist:

  • Ensure comprehensive documentation.
  • Maintain repository.

6. Continuous Improvement Facilitator:

  • Gather insights.
  • Collaborate for improvement.

7. Tool Administrator:

  • Manage testing tools.
  • Ensure proper licensing.

8. Environment and Configuration Manager:

  • Set up and maintain environment.

9. Security and Compliance Officer:

  • Implement security measures.
  • Ensure compliance.

Risks and Contingencies

1. Resource Constraints:

  • Risk:
    • Limited testing resources.
  • Contingency:
    • Prioritize critical test scenarios.
    • Optimize resource allocation.

2. Unstable Test Environment:

  • Risk:
    • Environment instability.
  • Contingency:
    • Regularly back up configurations.
    • Implement rapid restoration procedures.

3. Data Unavailability:

  • Risk:
    • Insufficient test data.
  • Contingency:
    • Generate synthetic data.
    • Collaborate for realistic data.

4. Tool Failures:

  • Risk:
    • Tool malfunctions.
  • Contingency:
    • Maintain alternative tools.
    • Regularly update and test configurations.

5. Schedule Delays:

  • Risk:
    • Unexpected delays.
  • Contingency:
    • Develop a flexible schedule.
    • Prioritize critical test cases.

6. Communication Breakdown:

  • Risk:
    • Ineffective team communication.
  • Contingency:
    • Implement regular team meetings.
    • Use multiple communication channels.


Project manager or project owner can approve the plan before testing can begin