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Test case ID TC508-001
Author Honar Abdi
Date 15.3.2024
Class Integration

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test case is to verify the system's capability to set up monitoring and alerting systems in accordance with Use Case 508 (FEA508).

Links to Requirements or Other Sources

Test Pre-State

  1. Ensure that the system is in a stable state.
  2. The platform engineer has access to Prometheus and Grafana.
  3. Necessary permissions for setting up monitoring and alerting systems are granted.

Test Steps

# Action Expected Result
1 Log in to the system as a platform engineer. The platform engineer should have access to the necessary features for setting up monitoring and alerting systems.
2 Open virtual machines in cPouta. The system should display a list of virtual machines available for monitoring.
3 Install and configure Prometheus and Grafana. The system should allow the platform engineer to install and configure Prometheus for monitoring and Grafana for visualization.
4 Define alerts in Prometheus, and in Grafana The system should provide options for the platform engineer to define alerts in Prometheus, specifying conditions for monitoring system health and performance.
5 Create dashboards in Grafana. The system should allow the platform engineer to create dashboards in Grafana to visualize metrics collected by Prometheus.
6 Adjust settings, alerts, and dashboards as needed. The platform engineer should be able to make adjustments to settings, alerts, and dashboards based on system requirements.

To Be Taken Into Account During the Test

  • Validate that the system seamlessly integrates with Prometheus and Grafana.
  • Ensure that the platform engineer has the necessary permissions to perform monitoring and alerting setup actions.
  • Verify that the monitoring and alerting system provides real-time and accurate information about system health and performance.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: The system successfully enables the platform engineer to set up monitoring and alerting systems, define alerts, create dashboards, and make necessary adjustments.
  • FAIL: The system fails to configure monitoring and alerting tools, does not allow the definition of alerts or creation of dashboards, or does not reflect changes accurately.