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Test case ID TC403-001
Author Honar Abdi
Date 18.3.2024
Class Security

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test case is to verify the successful implementation of HTTPS connection for the web application in accordance with Use Case UC10 (FEA410).

Test Pre-State

  1. The web application is deployed and accessible.
  2. The platform engineer has administrative access to the web server and network configuration tools.
  3. A valid domain name is pointed to the server's IP address.

Test Steps

# Action Expected Result
1 Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) The CSR should be generated successfully.
2 Submit the CSR to the Certificate Authority (CA) The CA should provide an SSL/TLS certificate.
3 Install the SSL/TLS certificate on the web server The certificate installation should be successful.
4 Configure HTTPS redirection on the web server HTTPS redirection should be configured correctly.
5 Apply firewall rules on the network Firewall rules should be applied without errors.
6 Configure secure protocols (SSH, SFTP) on the network Secure protocols should be configured properly.
7 Access the web application via HTTPS The web application should be accessible over HTTPS.
8 Verify the SSL/TLS certificate validity The certificate should be valid and not expired.

To Be Taken into Account During Test

  • Ensure that the CSR is generated using the appropriate cryptographic standards.
  • Verify the SSL/TLS certificate provided by the CA for authenticity.
  • Test HTTPS access from different browsers and devices.
  • Check for any mixed content issues after enabling HTTPS.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: HTTPS connection is successfully established, and the web application is accessible over HTTPS without errors. The SSL/TLS certificate is valid and properly configured.
  • FAIL: HTTPS connection fails to establish, HTTPS redirection or SSL/TLS certificate installation/configurations are incorrect, or the certificate is expired or invalid.