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Test case ID TC203-001
Author Honar Abdi
Date 12.2.2024
Class Acceptance

Test description/Objective

The objective of this test case is to verify the functionality of exporting historical data from specific dates in accordance with Feature 203 (FEA203).

Links to requirements or other sources

Test Pre-State

  1. Ensure that the system is in a stable state.
  2. Historical data is available in the system for the specified dates.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Navigate to the history data export feature. The system should provide an option to export historical data.
2 Specify the desired date range for data export. The system should allow the user to input specific dates for data export.
3 Select the parameters or data types to be included in the export. The system should provide options to customize the exported data.
4 Initiate the data export process. The system should generate and provide a downloadable file containing historical data from the specified date range.
5 Verify the downloaded file's content and format. The downloaded file should accurately represent the selected historical data in a readable format.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: The system successfully exports historical data from the specified date range, generates a downloadable file, and the file content aligns with the selected parameters.
  • FAIL: The system fails to export historical data, generates an incomplete file, or the file content does not align with the selected parameters.