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Test case ID TC106-001
Author Honar Abdi
Date 13.04.2024
Class Acceptance

Test description/Objective

Verify the functionality of improving dark mode colors in accordance with Use Case UC13 (FEA106).

Test Pre-State

  1. Ensure the application is accessible and functional.
  2. Dark mode feature is enabled.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Go to Tukko's main site. Tukko's main site should be loaded.
2 Toggle dark mode. Application interface switches to dark mode.
3 Verify dark mode colors. Dark mode colors in the settings should be displayed on the screen with improved contrast and readability.

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure adjustments are uniformly applied across all affected interface elements.
  • Verify adjustments do not compromise usability or readability in well-lit environments.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: Dark mode colors show improved contrast and readability without compromising usability in well-lit environments.
  • FAIL: Dark mode colors do not show noticeable improvements in contrast and readability, or they compromise usability in well-lit environments.