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Test case ID TC102-001
Author Honar Abdi
Date 12.2.2024
Class Acceptance

Test description/Objective

The objective of this test case is to verify the secure authentication process for user accounts in accordance with Feature 102 (FEA102).

Links to requirements or other sources

Test Pre-State

  1. Ensure that the system is in a stable state.
  2. User accounts for testing purposes are available in the system.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Navigate to the user authentication interface. The user authentication interface should be accessible.
2 Attempt to authenticate with a valid username and password. The system should successfully authenticate the user and grant access.
3 Attempt to authenticate with an invalid username. The system should display an appropriate error message indicating that the username is not recognized.
4 Attempt to authenticate with a valid username and incorrect password. The system should display an appropriate error message indicating that the password is incorrect.
5 Verify the system response to multiple consecutive failed authentication attempts. The system should implement security measures, such as account lockout or delay, to protect against brute-force attacks.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: The system securely authenticates valid users, provides appropriate error messages for invalid credentials, and implements security measures against unauthorized access attempts.
  • FAIL: The system fails to authenticate valid users, does not provide informative error messages, or lacks security measures to protect against unauthorized access attempts.