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UC08: Export data

Use case FEA203

  • Author: Santtu Lähderinne
  • Date / Version: 08.02.2024

User roles

  1. End user

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. User Authentication and Authorization
  2. Date Range Selection
  3. File Format Options
  4. Documentation and Instructions
  5. Performance Considerations
  6. Error Handling
  7. Data Privacy and Security

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. User logs in to the application
  2. User selects the date range to export
  3. Application generates a CSV file with selected data
  4. Application provides a download link for CSV file
  5. User downloads the file


  • E1: The user inputs an invalid date range (e.g., end date is before the start date).

  • E2: An unauthorized user tries to access or export traffic data.

  • E3: The selected date range has no traffic data available.

  • E4: The system encounters an error while generating the CSV file.

  • E5: Attempted security violations, such as injection attacks.


  • The primary result is the creation of a CSV file that includes the traffic data for the specified date range. This file adheres to the CSV format, where data is organized in rows and columns separated by commas.

Use frequency

  • The frequency of execution is influenced by how often users find it necessary to analyze or share traffic data for specific date ranges. For applications with regular data analysis requirements, the functionality may be used frequently.

Additional information

  • N/A


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.