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Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.01.2024

What has been achieved

  • We've been completed our research about the product and it's owner. Our OPF-site and Website has been constructed and Gitlab is up to date with newest issues and sprints. CSC project has been created and we have activated cPouta services for the team.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not completely sure what Building CSC development/test/production platform issue includes so that is going to move to sprint 01.

Next steps

  • Creating offer for the customer.
  • Project Plan ready for review
  • Requirement Specification ready for review
  • Preliminary testplan ready of review

Status of sprint 01 Date 09.02.2024

What has been achieved

  • Tukko is running on cPouta
  • Started documentation for project plan, requirement specification and etc.
  • Features has been selected for the project

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Budget planning for previus work hours.

Next steps

  • Offer for the client
  • Documentation ready for client meeting
  • Updating team site

Status of sprint 02 Date 23.02.2024

What has been achieved

  • Documentation is up-to-date
  • Offer has been delivered
  • Ready for implementation

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • NO

Next steps

  • We're getting ready for features implementations
  • Learning team members own area of development

Status of sprint 03 Date 08.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • We have done documentation and some use cases
  • Feature implementation is getting started and some learning is still active
  • User strories have been added to backlog to help implementing new features
  • Test cases have been documented

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • We're not sure how to correctly run Tukko program on locally for development purposes for each team/dev member

Next steps

  • Tukko program is running locally on each team members computer to do real time editing on their features
  • Some features are getting first implementations and are somehow ready for testing on the middle of next sprint

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • First feature(FEA203) has been implemented and tested, but needs some modifications.
  • Some features had been started working and some of them are expected to be ready for testing during sprint 05
  • We have been re-estimated our schedule and been brought new features on board.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Feature(FEA101) - Comparing two different LAM-stations has been difficult to implement correctly and we are trying to get consultant help from other teams or mentors.
  • We have some features that we are not quite sure that if we are abble to implement on-time, so we are thinking of removing them from our project plan

Next steps

  • Our main goal is to implement our most important features such as. FEA102, FEA410, FEA508 and modify FEA203
  • Goal is to get these features tested before sprint 05 review, so we have 1 week time to give final fixes before DEMO-DAY 15.4

Status of sprint 05 Date 05.04.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA203 has been delivered and tested correctly after it's final modifications.
  • FEA508 has been delivered but not yet tested.
  • We have been getting ready for DEMO-day on 15.04 and reassuring we have some features to show on that time.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Some features appeared to be challenging and requires more time than we expected.

Next steps

  • To bring atleast 2 working features on DEMO-day.
  • Prepare the presentation of our progress this far.
  • To get all remaining features done and test them before release-day

Status of sprint 06 Date 15.04.2024

What has been achieved

  • We are ready for DEMO-DAY presentation
  • We've got our final features ready for the presentation

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • FEA410 wasn't accomplished before DEMO-DAY, but we have gathered documentation of it's known issues
  • GitLab's pipelines stopped working right before DEMO

Next steps

  • We are getting ready to present our product to the stakeholders
  • We will start writing our end reports and final documentations

Status of sprint xx Date xx.xx.2024

What has been achieved

What we have delivered? Tested?

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Is there any issues which are too heavy? Do we need to get more resources? What we have done to acchieve a solution?

Next steps

What will be our primary focus for next sprint/week?

Status of sprint xx Date xx.xx.2024

What has been achieved

What we have delivered? Tested?

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Is there any issues which are too heavy? Do we need to get more resources? What we have done to acchieve a solution?

Next steps

What will be our primary focus for next sprint/week?